Friday, July 27, 2012


I don't know if anyone reads this anymore, but I have finally found the one, and she wasn't what I was expecting, and DEFINATELY not what I wanted, but she is everything I needed and never knew I did, so this is me giving notice to every poaching female out there that I am spoken for.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Why did I have to grow up
Why couldn't I have stayed a child
Why did I have to learn the meaning of hate
Why have to experience heartache,
to contemplate the meaning of life when all around me people die
to fall in love when it doesn't last
to worry about the future when today I could die
to lose my innocence to a world full of pain
to look behind a smile for malice
to search every compliment for an insult.
Why do I have to grow
Why can't I stay vibrant
Must I become rickety with age
Hair greyed and eyesight dimmed
back bowed and teeth gone
With friends dead, leaving me behind
Kids grown,facing their future alone.

Monday, October 11, 2010


When I'm dead and gone,
will you think about me,
and smile happy that though I'm gone
I was with you for a little while.

When it's time for me to bow,
time to take my leave,
would you miss and long to be with me
or wish that Heaven would reject me.

When you close your eyes to sleep at night,
would you remember me before you drift away,
hoping that maybe someday you and me could fly away
to never touch the earth again.

Let go of your burden rise above your pain,
so you can feel like the arid land after the rain,
see the hidden things that make life just as it shuld be,
so many things I want to show you
so many places we could be
you and me together the best that we can be.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It gets better.

Hello blogsville it has been a while, so much has happened since I was here last, I've had an epiphany, one of my good friends lost his Mum, another friend's leaving for his masters, too name a few
I finally spoke to my ex and I didnt feel hurt or bitter I was just fond of her and we spoke about now and I was glad my head said move on even when my heart didnt want to. So this is a poem I wrote just after we broke up but I never looked at till now when I could say it was true its been 23 months and now I'm better.

It gets better.
When the one you thought would always be true
suddenly turns their back on you
and your heart feels like you've been running for miles
and you think you'll have reason to break out in smiles

If the one you gave all your trust
grinds it in the dust
and your soul feels raw an torn up inside
'cos you never thought they'd take you on a ride

When the person you prayed would grow old with you
would rather see your world split in two
when the one you want to hold
walks away leaving you in the cold

When the one you love
decides not to love you no more
The seasons change as does the weather
believe me when I say it gets better.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Fates;Clotho, Lachesis, & Atropos

The fates they say are responsible for spinning , measuring, and cutting the thread of life then my friend's was cut short way too soon I didn't even wish him A happy new year, and now I can't ever again it's so not fair. so to all my friends I love you all and stephanie I love you too.
P.S to all my blogsville peeps don't waste time humg up on inconsequential things let the people you love know it.... I love you all

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My cheri amour

For the past months it’s been hard for me to express myself when it comes to my heart how do I make you understand that every time I say I want you with a smile even though you are with him I actually mean it or all those times I bust on your looks it’s because I’m about to blurt out just how perfect you are to me, from your brown eyes to your caramel brown, silky soft skin, or how I break out in goose pimples every time I hear your sultry voice.

Maybe I don’t understand what love is but this yearning for the peace that resides your presence and this unrest that comes with your absence, or the longing for your touch on my body or your voice as it calls my name, or how every time I close my eyes it feels as though your Image is burned on my eyelids, or how right it feels to take your hand in mine.

Stephanie Today is valentines and even though you won’t see this (at least for a while) today I declare boldly that I LOVE YOU maybe on day I’llstep out of the shadows and keep my feelings a secret no longer but till then you will always be what I need.

I want you to want me
I'm goin' crazy knowin' he will be your lover tonight
And when he comeS I'll let you go
I'll just pretend AS you WALK out the door

I need you to need me
I wanna hold ya but you're holdin' someone else in
your arms
When I close my eyes, I see your face
I'm just not sure how much my heart can ERASE
Oh no ...
I can't think
Oh no ...
I'm goin' crazy with love over you
Lionel Richie- oh no

You're voice is soothing to me
Like the strings of a guitar
It takes me right back to the begnning
And I fall in love all over

You never, never ask for nothing
That's why I wanna give you everything
That's why I sing, the joy you bring
It's worth more than the parfect love words

I get this feeling every time I think of you
And I know,you're the perfect love song

Every time I'm with you
I get inspired to be a better man
Your love is timeless, it lasts forever
Like the perfect love song
Boyz II Men-Perfect Love Song

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ghost of girlfriends past

It all started as a dare
Now I can’t imagine life without you there
I’ve had a couple of close calls
People thought it was funny “look how he falls”
First there was V
I was young but her face was all I’d see
Thought she was the only one for me
And then along came Hazel
Didn’t know it then but lust will always fizzle
Her tears made tropical storms seem like a drizzle
After which I then met Princess
I tried hard to make us a success
The problem was I loved her to excess
The one who was always there Motun
I wish I had a story with her……
This might have been the end of my tale
Then I ended up with baybee
Because of her I thought it’d be coolto have a little me
Could we have lasted probably or maybe
Now my heart is all closed up
Waiting for the one who’ll make it jump or even hop
The kinda girl I’d spend years trying to woo
A puzzle with me as the mystery to her clue
All I need is to have a little faith
A thousand years if I had to I’d wait
Hoping, praying endlessly to the fates
Saying please don’t leave it till its too late.